Monday, 9 July 2012

The Little Indians Album Interview

Now I know we are suppose to be non-biased but we love this band. The Little Indians produce fantastic pop/indie, by the second time you hear one of their songs you will be singing a long. We thought we would catch up with Augustine and Kyle about their album which is finally ready after a 11 months of recording and mixing. I interviewed these two from Baltimore before and just found out about them and how they started, if you follow the link below you can read it.

Hi guys how have you been since our first interview?

Pretty alright. We've mostly been working on finishing the album and, working.

Since Augustine came back from the tour with Hellogoodbye (How did that go by the way?) has this made you want to get out and tour with Little Indians or are you happy to be at home for a while?

It was a great run of shows with Hellogoodbye. We definitely want to tour to some extent though. Everyone is busy with a lot of real life stuff though that's getting in the way…and life is expensive and time consuming. Forrest from HGB is gearing up to make a new album, so hopefully we'll pull together dates while that's going on. We're quite proud of the record, and we'd like to play it for an audience.

Have you an idea on a full band for you guys to play with yet, as there is only two of you?

We have friends who are down to play. But it's proving to be a little difficult to get schedules to align and all that. When I said life is getting in the way, that's sort of what I mean. But it will fall into place I'm sure.

Ok the album, this is an album I'm really excited about when can we expect to hear it?

Towards the end of the summer!

I know you must of heard the album a lot but is there a song which sticks out to you? What's the feel to the song?

I think the coolest track right now to me is the last song, "Night Owl". I wrote it around this time last year and it was the last one we finished recording. It has a lot of different elements that I enjoy. It feature a guitar through a Leslie cabinet, a ukulele solo, and a violin arrangement. Oh, and I had my family sing along a big vocal part at the end. The songs starts small and grows into a big orgy of melody. It's hard to explain, but it came out just like I envisioned. I think that's my favorite part. We wrote it last summer and it took 11 months to finish it with all the elements. Also, Max Kuzmyak played horns on it, and other songs. It just has a good feeling to it, I suppose.

How was it getting your family involved? Was it weird trying to boss your parents around as for most of your life its them doing that to you? And what do they think of the end result?

It was really fun. There wasn't really any bossing going on. I just kind of said hey "sing this line with me" and "clap your hands like this when I count to 4". It was fun though. Memorable experiences for sure. It truly is a homemade album.

The tracks from you guys we have heard so far are brilliantly catchy indie/pop songs, does the album have the same sound the whole way though?

Thanks! On a broad level, it's all indie/pop, yeah. Some are more rock and some are more pop, I suppose.

When we last spoke you said that you had recorded the album but was struggling to get it mastered and mixed. Who done it in the end?

I mixed here at my house, and Dave Downham mastered it.

How did you find the mixing stage? Is it the first time you have done it?

Mixing myself was the best decision I made, I think. It was the first time I've mixed a song, so it was a learning experience. That's why it took so long. But in the end I feel like I grew quite a bit as a mixing engineer because of the time I put into it. Having no prior experience or training, it was all trial and error. I would send mixes to friends and get opinions and then go back and change it up again and again. That's one of the beautiful aspects of digital recording. When I got towards the end of mixing I realized how much creativity goes into mixing. It's like a whole other art form after the writing and tracking process. So yeah, all that said, I'm pretty stoked with the way it turned out. I can't see us doing the next record any differently.

A lot of the time bands play around with tracks they have released before to put them on the album, have you re-recorded the tracks we have again?

Yes, we did re-record most of Let's Split and What Makes You Grin? - I did keep the vocals though, as to not lose too much of the original feeling. Actually, that was a common thing for me. I would write and record a song. Then we would go back, usually, and re-record guitars, bass, sometimes drums, etc. to make it a bit more refined. However for the most part I usually ended up keeping the vocals. They seemed to have more feeling and in the end I didn't want to lose that.

Here is a link to to there last release on there bandcamp.


This band are still so new so make sure you LIKE and follow them.



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